All Roads Lead to Rome

The expression “all roads lead to Rome” was used as early as 1175 by the French theologian and poet Alain de Lille.

But why? What did he mean?

Well, long ago, around the year 300 B.C., the Roman Republic (and later the Empire) began building a network of roads connecting all 113 of the empire’s provinces, with Rome itself at the center. They stretched over most of what is now modern Europe, the Near East, and even into North Africa.

Regardless of which way you went, you could make a few turns and find yourself on your way to Rome. Therefore, it was literally true that all roads did, indeed, lead to Rome.

Fast forward a few hundred years to Wisconsin, and the town of Rome, and it’s a little different story. All roads don’t routinely bring travelers to this charming gem of a town even though it is centrally located in the state.

No, in fact, the roads in Wisconsin (and throughout the US, for that matter) direct people to a seemingly endless number of possible destinations. Tell your GPS where you want to go and a calm and reassuring voice will tell you turn-by-turn how to get there.

So, what do you do if you want people to come to Rome? No, need people to come to Rome? Since attracting visitors and tourists is necessary to its economic well-being (more on this later). Then sitting back, crossing your fingers, and hoping travelers come is a fool’s errand. Chances are they will breeze right by on their way to more well-known destinations throughout the state and beyond.

It is, therefore, imperative that time, effort, and budget are dedicated to the task of promoting Rome as the place to visit - for a day, a weekend, a summer, or forever.

That’s where the mission of Visit Rome WI Inc. comes in.

Visit Rome promotes the diversity of the community's attractions in order to create economic prosperity and balanced growth for area residents.

Or to put it another way, Visit Rome is an organization dedicated to presenting Rome in such a way that would-be visitors choose Rome over any other possible choice. Because if successful, these visitors bring cash. Lots of cash! And they spend it on everything from accommodations to dining, entertainment, attractions, retail, and more.

This influx of outside money ultimately boosts the economy, creates new business ventures and employment opportunities, improves the infrastructure, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between visitors and residents. All positive outcomes for those who make the town of Rome their home.

But it goes without saying that inviting outsiders to your home must be done with great care and consideration for the possible negative impacts, which can be very real. Suffice it to say, consideration must be given to the effect on things like density, congestion, and the environment. Not to mention, maintaining the cultural norms that make Rome so special in the first place - the heart and soul of the town itself.

Sounds like a big task, doesn’t it?

Well, it is. That’s why the town leaders have entrusted Executive Director Lisa Kubis, a career marketer, who has spent most of her time studying consumer behavior and communication effectiveness. That is, how best to persuade people to go places and do things.

Lisa joined Visit Rome in 2021 and hit the ground running with numerous initiatives that are already paying dividends. Sitting to Lisa’s right (figuratively and literally) is Marketing & Events Coordinator, Jillian Alekna, who recently graduated from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota with a degree in public relations, advertising, and applied communications.

But as good as they are, they can’t do it alone.

In addition to the support of the entire community, Lisa and Jillian are backed by a dedicated Board of Directors made up of proud residents and Rome proselytizers; President Jacki Koll, Vice President Robb Sigler, Secretary Jennifer Parr-Murphy, and Treasurer Will Beckstrom.

With that crew, there’s no doubt the future of Rome is in good hands. And with the perfect blend of careful planning and precision marketing, all roads will once again lead to Rome.

Visit Rome is located at 1154 Apache Avenue, Nekoosa, WI 54457.

They can be reached at 715-325-3090 or

Find out more at

Click Here for the Town of Rome website.

Written by: Lydell Capritta


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